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Fracht News - BMSB Season 2024/25


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The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) recently conducted two industry sessions focusing on the upcoming Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB) seasonal measures.

Our industry representative body, Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) through direct engagement with DAFF has obtained the slide deck used in the presentation – which is available HERE  

Additionally, please find below the summary notes: 

Brief Session Summary: 

- Review of 2023-24 BMSB Season: 

  • 96,275 entries referred for BMSB.
  • 7,358 Inspections.
  • 65,988 Whitelisted consignments treated offshore.
  • 76 consignments directed for export due to arriving and not complying with conditions regarding mandatory offshore treatment requirements. 

- Common Issues Encountered 2023-24 BMSB Season: 

  • Not treating BB, OT or FR prior to loading. 
  • Exceeding 120-hour post-treatment window.
  • Mixing untreated target high-risk goods vs non-target-risk goods.
  • Parameters of application and utilisation of a BMSB NUFT.

- Upcoming Updated Measures 2024-25 Season: 

  • China and the Republic of Korea have been added for heightened vessel surveillance only. 
  • Emerging risk countries - UK and China only.

A copy of the Department's presentation will be published on the BMSB webpage by the 31/08/2024. Located here: Seasonal measures for Brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) - DAFF (

Further Information:

For further information regarding BMSB seasonal measures, visit the BMSB webpage:


Thank you very much

Fracht Australia Team



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